Simply put – unparalleled experience in all aspects of lifestyle audio together with a careful selection of superlative equipment from accomplished manufacturers. Looking for a dedicated media /listening room or a bespoke specialist home cinema or a bold statement? From the extraordinary beautiful Brodmann Acoustic range of speakers discrete, High End, in-wall for those for that ‘hidden’ sound, in addition to a selection of exquisite on wall and in ceiling speaker options, exquisite Oracle Delphi MK VI turntable, the stylish Scherer Evinces’ or TAD; as used in Air Studios.
CD/SACD or streaming high resolution audio, to solid state or valve based vinyl systems.
Coherent Systems can show you everything from that 1960’s ‘first taste’ HiFi sound to sheer unadulterated realism that will cause you to rediscover your favourite music with a new sense of being there, with the performers in front of you.
www.coherent-systems.co.uk Phone 01753 891676 Mobile 07815 890303