Are you studying interior design? Want to add more work experience to your CV to land your dream
interior design job? The Society for British & International Design have opened their annual ‘Get Me 2 The
Top’ internship competition – offering you the chance to work in one of three leading London Interior
Design studios for 3 months this summer!
‘Get Me 2 The Top’ now in its third year, was developed to find innovative and talented first and second
year students, the competition has been created to offer students the opportunity to develop key
relationships and give them the tools and advice they need to kick-start their careers whilst studying.
Students are asked to complete a project task online, selecting their preferred Interior Design category;
Residential Design, Public Design and Product Design. Each task has been set by this year’s judges;
Hospitality Designer, Hans Galutera, Healthcare Interior Designer, Diana Celella and SBID Founder and
Interior Designer, Dr Vanessa Brady, OBE. Judges will be looking for qualities such as originality of
expression, individualism, creative use of materials and presentation skills.
Speaking about the competition, Dr Vanessa Brady said “ We are delighted to be running Get Me 2 The Top
this year with the support of 3 of the best design studios in London and top Interior Designers in the
industry. The knowledge and insights that students learn through a 3 month internship is immeasurable to a
student’s career and employment opportunities. SBID have been the benefits of previous programmes, as
students have gone on to obtain employment and further develop their skills in the industry”.
The competition aims to nurture relationships between the country’s finest recruits and potential
employers, bridging the gap between learning and earning. Each category winner will be awarded with a 3
month internship from leading design studios such as 161-London and Crawford Partnerships.
Entries are now open and students have until 30 April to submit their entry through the SBID website www.sbid.org/education/get-me-2-the-top/