It is widely known that CT1, which is the Number 1 Sealant and Adhesive, first introduced the “Hybrid Polymer” which changed the face of the sealant and adhesive industry. CT1 replaces several products in 1. CT1 replaces mastic, wood and P.U. adhesives, silicone, sanitary, acrylic and butyl rubber sealants in just one product.CT1 for years have the lead the way in research and development and introduced to the industry ground-breaking products with cutting edge technology. CT1 is clearly the leading sealant, being the most eco-friendly and ecologically compliant product on the market.
CT1 also boasts of having over 25 accreditations. Tested to almost every application and outperforming conventional sealants and adhesives by miles. CT1, with accreditations for lowest indoor emissions, EC1 plus, ISO 9001, ETAG 02, ISEGA (food certificate) is also the ONLY sealant and adhesive globally to achieve a NAAF (Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association) stamp of approval. This is a very unique advantage that CT1 has over conventional sealants. Since our houses have become more insulated and humid due to new builds being passive housing, they can be a breading ground for the substrates that cause asthma and allergy in the home. The fact that CT1 has been tested, and we can prove using CT1 in the home can actually reduce the risk of asthma and allergy attacks in the home, has now become a favourite for new builds, local councils and architects alike.
But CT1’s Research and Development Department just doesn’t sleep! Always at the forefront with technology, CT1 realised that the Hybrid Polymers were dated, that the industry needed further enhancement on the hybrids. The technology needed to be improved to meet demands in the market place.
After 3 years of development, it is here! TRIBRID®. The new era of Sealants and Adhesives has been launched into the marketplace and cannot be replicated. With outstanding technology and super impressive raw materials, CT1 is now 3 times stronger! CT1 can now retain all colours for up to 25 years. Colour retention cannot be matched.
What else is new? TRIBRID® now fights off bacteria and fungus for up to 25 years. The new enhanced formula can help fight against MRSA and E. coli in the form of its sister product BT1. CT1 and BT1 are TRIBRID® technology, years and years of advancement on Hybrid polymers. The future is here!