Jacksons Fencing launches brand new T-shaped steel posts for timber fence panels.
Fencing and security solutions manufacturer Jacksons Fencing has responded to industry demand and expanded its range of premium quality products by launching a brand new metal post product, Mi-T. These new posts reflect emerging market trends and offer a sustainable alternative to tackle the destructive nature of concrete posts.
Available in lengths of 2.7m, Mi-T posts can be used with Jacksons framed timber fence panels. They’re constructed from hot-dip galvanised steel, to protect them from rust and corrosion, and they can also be powder coated in anthracite grey for a stylish finish.
From the rear of the panels, a narrow strip of steel is visible where the panels are fixed to the post. However, from the front, the post can hardly be seen, creating a seamless fencing run with no posts to interrupt the continuity.
Currently, all timber posts produced by Jacksons Fencing hold a 25-year guarantee against rot and insect attack. This is possible thanks to the implementation of kiln dried and pressure treated processes. The Mi-T posts will also hold a 25-year service life guarantee and offer an alternative option for those who usually opt for concrete fence posts.
Nick Bishenden, Senior Marketing Manager, Jacksons Fencing says: “There is a traditional audience in the UK who remain wary of using timber posts, as they have been bitten by inferior products to ours that rot after only a few years. This audience generally opts for concrete posts.
“As one of the largest UK garden fencing manufacturers, we feel it is our responsibility to help the fencing industry become more sustainable by moving away from concrete posts. This was one of the key motives for the development of our metal Mi-T post. It provides an alternative to concrete that work with our framed fencing panels and will appeal to the audiences that currently opt for concrete posts.”
Chris Hone, Approved Installer Manager, Jacksons Fencing says: “Sustainable business practices are given due consideration at each stage of all of our manufacturing processes, and these are regularly reviewed to ensure continual improvement.
“As a result, we are proud to announce that the Mi-T posts are 100% recyclable, meaning they have an extremely low carbon footprint and environmental impact.
“Beyond the manufacturing process, we ensure that the installation of all of our products is as eco-friendly as possible. The new Mi-T post is lightweight and easy to handle. As such, our vehicles can transport more at once, making our delivery more efficient.
“As the Mi-T post is lighter than concrete and timber, it is easier to install on-site. This benefits contractors who work alone, as it can be fixed in place easily from one side and doesn’t involve any lifting.”
The Mi-T posts work seamlessly with several of Jacksons Fencing bestselling panels, including:
Tongue and Groove: This popular, timeless panel is available in horizontal and vertical styles, and can be convex (arched) or level topped. It’s a solid panel that offers ultimate concealment and privacy.
Venetian: A slatted panel that allows light and air to flow through. This panel also works exceptionally well as a screen or partition.
Hit and Miss: A semi-solid design with a hit and miss pattern that allows some light and air through while maintaining a high level of privacy.
Woven: Comprised of interwoven pales that creates a decorative screen that casts dappled light across the garden.
Peter Jackson, MD Jacksons Fencing says: “For years we have flown the flag for reliable timber posts. We’re very proud to say, they have more than proven themselves, often lasting many more years than our 25-year guarantee.
“The launch of the Mi-T posts will broaden our range, respond to customer demand and offer a new alternative for those looking for a more sustainable option than concrete.
“In situ, these posts are subtle, ensuring the overall aesthetic is not deterred away from the attractive natural timber panels they’re fixed to.”
To take a closer look at Jacksons Fencing’s Mi-T posts click here.
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