A decking subframe is the structure that sits beneath your deck, keeping it supported and providing the base that your decking boards are attached to.
The subframe is one of the most important parts of having a deck installed as, whilst the subframe is generally hidden, it is crucial for the deck’s longevity.
A poor subframe choice or install can lead to the decking being damaged or can even lead to the decking becoming structurally dangerous and eventually failure. With so many different subframes to choose from, which one is best and what should you look out for?
We review in-depth three popular subframe choices: timber, recycled plastic (Plas-Pro) & aluminium (DuoSpan). Each subframe material has different attributes and – being familiar with the benefits of each and knowing what to use and when – can add years to the deck’s longevity.
Softwood timber is the most common material used for decking subframes, and Millboard decking has been fitted on these types of subframes for over ten years. However, there have been many examples of timber subframes that have failed within 6 years of being installed, with the failings being identified to be attributed to a lack of understanding of the requirements of timber, incorrect timber being used in the wrong location and bad workmanship.
Millboard Plas-Pro recycled subframe is an excellent alternative to timber for constructing the framework for decks, seating, planters and more. Constructed from recycled plastic, Plas-Pro is strong, versatile and easy to work with. The benefits of Plas-Pro over timber are that Plas-Pro can be used in contact with the ground and in water without the need for any airflow ventilation gaps; it can be sunk into the ground and surrounded fully with moisture without adverse effect.
Finally, DuoSpan is a unique landscape construction frame made with a combination of aluminium joists and beams, aluminium brackets and plastic support profiles. This combination enables distinctive design opportunities for decking and outdoor structures that would be impossible with timber subframes, due to the superior strength of aluminium and flexibility of plastic.
Find out more! Download the comprehensive Decking Subframe Guide for in-depth performance comparisons, lifetime cost projections and expert knowledge on factors to consider when selecting a subframe for your decking project.