Rinnai continues to make additions and innovations in both products and services to complement its new H3 range of Hydrogen, Hybrid & Heat Pumps ranges. In helping reduce the carbon footprints and fuel costs of all sites and applications Rinnai is introducing an online Carbon Cost Comparison Form, which is available FREE of any charge on


The Rinnai H3 Carbon Cost Comparison Form offers a free appraisal of a site’s current heating & hot water delivery system, along with recommendations for reducing the carbon load and associated operational fuel costs. System designers, consultants, contractors and FM operators can  simply visit the Rinnai website, complete the form and hit the ‘Submit’ prompt. Rinnai then makes a thorough analysis and returns all data direct to the user. Hard copies of the form are available on request.

This information gathering is very brief; current model and system, maximum gross input power, quantity needed, type of outlet (e.g., shower, washing basin) and how many peak demands in a day. Collected data is then passed to the Rinnai Technical team which calculates emissions and savings which can be made on both carbon load and fuel costs.    

The Rinnai Carbon Cost Comparison Form is located as part of the Rinnai suite of innovative digital touchpoints (Carbon cost comparison form :: Rinnai UK (rinnai-uk.co.uk). These pages are designed to make customer decision making fluid and specific.

Says Chris Goggin for Rinnai, ‘H3 offers proven reductions on working costs and quantifiable improvements in energy efficiency, as well as provision of a temperature-controlled end product whenever the need arises. For example, the user pays for only fuel used on a continuous flow system to heat the water at point of use – NOT when on standby as in stored tank holding systems creating cost effective and carbon reducing solutions for systems on the gas grid. This H3 calculation service will compare our complete array of Hydrogen blend ready water heaters, Hybrid solar and heat pump systems, and stand-alone heat pump solutions, providing our customers with market leading low carbon solutions.

Rinnai offer comprehensive training courses and technical support in all aspects of the water heating industry. More information is on Rinnai’s website and its “Help Me Choose” webpage.

Rinnai now offers H1, H2 & H3 solutions to the energy question in the cost-of-living squeeze.

H1 – Hydrogen blends ready, renewable liquid fuel ready and electric water heating equipment.

H2 – Hybrid hot water systems – Including heat pumps, solar thermal, solar PV and electric.

H3 – Market leading, Low GWP heat pumps.

This expansive product portfolio is enhanced by design support and precise modelling of capital expenditure, operational expenditure, and carbon to establish the practical, economic, and technically feasible solutions needed and required for any site.

Rinnai has launched the expansive H3 offering to simplify the decarbonisation of any building and supporting sites with the decarbonisation pathways that exist now and in the future.

Rinnai has maintained and sustained a reputation for technological innovation and creating a healthier way of living for over a century. By creating a healthier way of living through developing commercial products that accept clean energies, customers will be able to identify Rinnai as a trusted brand that delivers customer convenience and health.

Hot water provision is a foundation for lifestyle comfort and is therefore Rinnai’s area of specific expertise. Rinnai understands that hot water and heating provision are key areas of modern life that can be considered as contributing factors towards maintaining societal cohesion and continuity. Rinnai will therefore continue to work towards delivering products that improve upon customer convenience and health.

Rinnai is constantly initiating new working behaviours and corporate practises that update and add to employee knowledge of product understanding and manufacturing processes. Rinnai employs 650 design engineers and reinvests 6% of annual sales revenue into R & D.

All major international economies are now seeking sustainable alternative energies that improve domestic energy security and negate the release of harmful emissions. Rinnai’s H3 range of products coincides with the current internationally approved direction of future energy distribution and consumption.

H3 products consist of hydrogen, rDME, heat pump or hybrid options in all energy vectors – natural gas, electrical, rDME and BioLPG. All methods of heating and hot water provision ensuring lower carbon leading to decarbonisation and a higher standard of living quality at affordable prices and costs.  All models are designed specifically to reduce all related costs and provide efficient working quality across an entire product life cycle.

Internal practises are continuously refined to ensure Rinnai remains a leader in technological innovation, heating, and hot water dispersal. Rinnai’s H3 range is designed to reflect the corporate values and direction the company is keen to project.      

All sourced product materials, manufacturing conditions and effect on local environment are issues that are under constant revision and will be altered accordingly if found to be in non-compliance with Rinnai’s current and future brand promise to deliver a cleaner living. 

Rinnai’s H3 range represents an organisation capable of producing cost reducing technologies that act as a response to the sensitive financial demands perpetrated by the global energy market towards the customer. Rinnai’s H3 range is a pragmatic, socially conscious and a technologically innovative solution for customers who seek products that accept clean energy for home heating and hot water appliances.

For more information on the RINNAI product range visit


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