![Funding to teach tenants and help landlords to learn – Foundation invites applications to fund awareness projects](https://homedesignerandarchitect.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2015/05/tds.jpg)
Organisations supporting education of tenants and landlords are being offered funding from the TDS Charitable Foundation.
The Foundation, which launched in 2014, has already funded a range of projects across the country including funding for the NUS to train renting students across the country, open door information events for landlords in Bradford, an information campaign by a community radio station in Wolverhampton, and literature on a new landlord licensing scheme in Brent .
The Foundation is offering to fund projects up to £20,000, with the aim of promoting higher standards in the private rented sector through better awareness amongst tenants and landlords.
Chair of the TDS Charitable Foundation Professor Martin Partington said;
“We are especially looking to help inform the growing number of ‘accidental’ landlords, who did not intend to become landlords when they acquired a property. They often have limited knowledge of their responsibilities, leaving both them and their tenants at significant risk.”
It has also announced that it is now looking to commission renting experts to create a package of workshop training material.
Martin Partington continued ;
“We have been overwhelmed in the past year by the number of organisations looking to provide workshops and presentations, so we now aim to provide our own workshop material available to all. We are very keen to hear from individuals and organisations who share our aim of promoting standards in the sector to create training material.”
The deadline for applications is 4 June 2015 and can be made via the TDS Charitable Foundation www.tdsfoundation.org.uk
Examples of online resources funded by TDS Charitable Foundation:
Ready to Rent, NUS
Housing Rights, Chartered Institute for Housing
Equalities Guidance for Landlords, Caerphilly Count Borough Council