Bonn/Salisbury, 30.11.2015
Africa’s most visited site, the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town, will be supplied with clean solar energy produced by 4.200 solar modules of German manufacturer SolarWorld. The first photovoltaic systems will be inaugurated today by Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities of Western Cape.
Clean power generation and decentralized use of energy gain increasing importance in Africa. This now also demonstrates the largest commercial and shopping center which is with 25 million visitors the most frequented place on the continent. Colin Devenish, Executive Manager of Operations of V&A Waterfront: “We want to set standards but this is also our responsibility for the environment.”
Sustainable Power Solutions (SPS), a SolarWorld local partner, and SolarWorld have been selected through a tender process in June 2015 for the major project with start in October. By 2016, a total of eight systems will be installed on the roofs of the Clock Tower, the Granger Bay, the Two Oceans Aquarium, the Portswood House and four other buildings.
“It is an honor that SolarWorld and SPS have been selected for this project. In such projects, it comes down to quality and durability. Who wants to be on the safe side, SolarWorld must be your choice , “said Dr.-Ing. E. H. Frank Asbeck, CEO of SolarWorld AG. SolarWorld has been for years in southern Africa and the island regions present and, with its products made in Germany and made in USA the most successful manufacturers in the region.
SolarWorld REAL VALUE: SolarWorld manufactures and sells high-tech solar power solutions and in doing so contributes to a cleaner energy supply worldwide. The group, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, employs approximately 3,700 people and carries out production in Freiberg, Germany; Arnstadt, Germany; and Hillsboro, USA. From raw material silicon to solar wafers, cells and modules, SolarWorld manages all stages of production ‒ including its own research and development. Through an international distribution network with locations in Europe, USA, Singapore and South Africa, SolarWorld supplies customers all over the world. The company maintains high social standards at all locations across the globe, and has committed itself to resource- and energy-efficient production. SolarWorld was founded in 1998 and has been publically traded on the stock market since 1999. More information at https://www.solarworld-uk.co.uk/