Installing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in your home is still a better investment than depositing your cash in the bank. According to Stephen Munday, managing director of Clean Energy Installations, you can achieve a 10 per cent return on the outlay in the form of reduced energy costs.
That’s more than four times the return many savings accounts offer in annual interest on your money.
Stephen says, “Even allowing for the fact the government has slashed its Feed-in Tariffs – the financial incentives for investing in renewable energy – people are still seeing their energy bills drop by an average of £550 every year.”
Many people in the industry are saying financial returns of up to 50 per cent savings are possible, but Stephen refutes this. “That’s an overestimation and we need to be clear and honest with consumers. Very few people reach that figure – 10 per cent is what most people achieve.”
One believer is biomedical scientist and semi-retired Anglican priest, Rev. Penny West. She’s enjoying significant energy cost savings, having commissioned Clean Energy Installations to install solar PV systems on two of her properties. Rev. West said, “I am delighted to now be benefiting by 60 to 80 per cent energy cost savings after converting from oil and calor gas to PV panels and a heat pump.”
A Trading Standards Buy With Confidence Scheme approved contractor and a Which? Trusted Trader, Clean Energy Installations supplies and installs heat pumps and solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Working across the Midlands and the southern counties, it provides energy efficient services to homes, businesses, agricultural premises, schools and churches.
Clean Energy Installations works with customers throughout every stage of every project – from feasibility studies and design to installation and post project support.
The company’s team comprises experienced and fully trained electricians, installers, roofers and project managers. They have a reputation for being friendly, flexible and trustworthy industry experts. Clean Energy Installations has close links with manufacturers and suppliers and provides regular training for its staff. This keeps the business at the forefront of advances in the solar industry and certified to install all types of systems to a wide variety of clients.
For more information, visit www.cleanenergyinstallations.co.uk, like on Facebook and follow on Twitter.
For media enquiries, please contact Emma De Maio, redheadPR, 07921 160 134, [email protected].