How to add £ to your home; Interiors and property expert Celia Sawyer shows you how…

How to add £ to your home; Interiors and property expert Celia Sawyer shows you how…

Go Up

In terms of adding value, a loft conversion is a very good investment policy and something that can be carried out relatively easy. Check that your roof space allows you to build upwards; you’ll need to discuss the current state of your roof with a contractor who will help assess how much headroom you have. Don’t forget natural lighting is important and this can be brought in through.

Go Out

Adding an extension or conservatory to your home are obvious methods to increase value. However, speak to your estate agent to work out if the initial output is going to be reflected in your end sale price. There is no guarantee as every road has its ceiling price. Nonetheless extensions offer a lot of value as you’re increasing the floor space of the property and presenting a new room. Building a single-storey extension on the back of your home is great for either a kitchen or living areas, or using space above a garage for an additional bedroom.

Fix Superficial Defects
Small defects do not directly affect the value of your property, however cumulatively they can add up and give the buyer leverage to not pay optimum price. Prevention is better than cure as they say. Give principle rooms a lick of paint, assess any cracks, dripping taps or lifting flooring; start your own DIY home improvements.

The Power of Presentation

Many potential buyers make a decision on the property simply from its curb appeal. Analyse the first impressions your home provides and repoint brickwork, paint doors/windows where necessary, and repair cracked or broken cladding and stonework. Inside, presentation is equally important and this is why interior designers play a useful role. It’s imperative to sell the lifestyle so key ingredients such as furniture layout, use of colour and the mass appeal so not to isolate any buyers are all necessary.

Rethink your Layout

Adding new space will increase the value of a property, but first you should consider how you can improve the use of the existing space. Ask yourself if your ground floor flows? Is there a natural walk-through without any blockages? Clear sight lines will make a house seem larger, especially if the flooring and wall finishes continue throughout.

Kitchen Focus

As many of you know, the kitchen is the central hub of the home. A hygienic and attractive looking kitchen is essential to both buyers and estate agents valuing the property. Existing kitchens can be given a re-vamp by keeping the fundamentals but replacing cupboard handles or doors for a quick refresh. Make sure there’s adequate lighting; halogen bulbs create a far whiter light that is ideal for kitchens. Under-unit lighting is inexpensive and can be added very easily yet.




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