Examples of the Super-Cool Loft Bed for Grownups

Examples of the Super-Cool Loft Bed for Grownups

Almost everyone seems to be downsizing in a big way these days: The tiny-home trend is huge. Of course these diminutive dwellings present particular challenges to designers who are scrambling to come up with new and unique ways to save space.

Behold the rise of the adult loft bed, with storage and lounging below, sleeping above. These structures, inspired by the bunkbeds of yore, are becoming increasingly compact and clever. Whether you’re creating an elevated master bedroom above the everyday living space in a tiny house, multipurposing a home office into a guest room or simply trying to get the most efficient use out of a small space, there’s a bed for that.

No space goes to waste in these fabulous furniture pieces. Stairs become storage areas, closets and desks nestle comfortably beneath the mattress and ladders sometimes double as footboards.

Loft, New York City, by Kyu Sung Woo Architects

We’re especially intrigued by the loft beds with pulley systems that are raised to the ceiling in the daytime and lowered to the floor at night. The bachelor pad that actor Vincent Kartheiser (Mad Men) had crafted is one of our favorites.

Whether you buy loft beds in a furniture shop, order them online (Wayfair has an outstanding collection) or have a skilled craftsman custom-build one for your own space, you’ll find inspiration in the photos below. The good ones are not cheap, but when you think of the space you’ll save, they’re priceless.

Storage Stairs: Casa Collection is launching a new line of space-saving loft beds for adults with loads of storage and cabinetry space as well as desks and daybeds. This collection of king- and queen-size loft beds is an excellent alternative to the Murphy bed, utilizing the space below and adding to the functionality of a small living area.

Casa Collection’s Urbano King Loft Bed

Couch Below: Also from Casa Collection, this is more of a modern, adult take on the traditional bunkbed, as the seat of the couch underneath slides out to make another bed.

Casa Collection’s Arca Queen Loft Bed

Modern Minimalist: This design created two rooms — a den and a bedroom — out of a very small space. The basic concept has been used in dorm rooms for sometime, but now people are using it in private homes, as well.

Tucked In: This loft bed shows an ingenious way to make the most of our space in rooms with high ceilings.

East Village Studio, New York City, by Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture

Vincent Kartheiser’s Tiny House Loft Bed 1: Look carefully at that ceiling light and you’ll realize it’s the base of a bed that can be lowered from above via a pulley system. Note the wall-mounted, wooden bar/table. It’s about to transform.

Kartheiser’s Tiny House Loft Bed

Vincent Kartheiser’s Tiny House Loft Bed 2: Here’s the bed on its way down. That wall-mounted, wooden bar/table has been flipped down against the wall.

Vincent Kartheiser’s Tiny House Loft Bed 3: The bed is now on the floor, the bar/table serving as the headboard, and a curtain has been pulled from the closet on the side to divide the bedroom from the great room and add a little privacy.

Look Out Below! Here’s another example of a loft bed that literally hangs out by the ceiling during the day and descends to sleeping level by night.

First Class Berths: Here’s a great way to use the loft bed to make the most of a guest room in a family cabin or vacation house.

Guest Room Extension: This is another clever and attractive way to use a loft bed to make the most out of a guest room.

Clean and Simple: This pull-out storage space design couldn’t be simpler. The stairway access is an attractive bookcase, and the sleeping portion on top is sunken, so there’s no threat of falling out of bed.

Urban Cube: This piece is one of our absolute favorites — perfect for a one-room apartment, although we’d probably prefer doors over the closet space. These range in price from $2,500 to $3,000. Find out more about the “Urban Cube” at Living Cube.

System by Living Cube
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