Local MP takes a shine to Essex chrome-plating business

Local MP takes a shine to Essex chrome-plating business

Borough, an injection moulding and chrome-plating business, plays an important role in the supply chain for the global automotive industry, but has never lost sight of its Essex roots.

This independent family-owned business is celebrating 50 years since chrome plating its first plastic component for the original Mini. On Friday, Borough welcomed David Amess, the Conservative Member of Parliament for Southend West to its Progress Road, Leigh-on-Sea facility.

On hand to meet Sir David, were Borough Managing Director David Coombes, Sales Director David Brereton and Finance Director Martin Smith. A discussion in the boardroom highlighted Sir David’s passion for British business and in particular, quiet success stories like Borough.

David Coombes commented: “It was evident from his first words that Sir David recognises the concerns of manufacturing businesses like ours in the post-referendum Brexit world.

“He was at pains to explain the efforts being made in government to deliver for all business in the UK, the same assurances that ensured Nissan pledged its future to Sunderland. The simple statement from Nissan that it would build new models in the UK has already done much to settle a nervous sector.

“Our order book is reasonably full and we have had lots of meetings in recent weeks with leading European car manufacturers and assembly suppliers, most of whom have operations in the UK.

“Perhaps recognising the likelihood of currency fluctuations in the months ahead, many of our discussions have focussed on re-shoring, with the automotive sector looking to source more components from UK manufacturers like Borough.”

Sir David commented: “With all the noise about Brexit, it is easy to forget the success stories like Borough. A third generation, family-owned manufacturing business, playing a small but critical part in the UK automotive sector.


“They have battled through recessions and continued to innovate and invest in the future of the business. It is always humbling to witness companies like this, engaged with their employees, working hard to grow and succeed to build a better future for everyone within the business.

“In parliament, I’m always keen to champion my constituency and the ongoing growth potential of Southend. The Government’s substantial investment to date in Southend includes over £40 million through the South East local enterprise partnership growth deal and the 2014 city deal.

“Borough is a great local business and the family-feeling is obvious and runs throughout. This is a high quality, technologically advanced manufacturing facility producing components for some of the world’s leading car marques and to have them based in Southend makes me immensely proud. The tea’s not bad either.”


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