This is a revolution !!!

This is a revolution !!!

The internet of things! How heating systems are moving into the digital age! Discover the new i-Sense Wifi smart Radiator.

The Internet of things ( IoT) is the internetworking of physical devices, also referred to as “connected devices” and “smart devices“, buildings, and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity to enable these objects to collect and exchange data to augment user interaction with the “smart device”.

Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020, and whilst this can all seem far off, this revolution of connectivity is becoming more and more prevalent within the devices in our homes and offices!

IntelliHeat UK, a cutting edge UK based electric heating company have been studying the IoT concept for a number of years now to understand how best to integrate this connectivity revolution into the most energy thirsty devices in our homes and offices, the heating systems.

Discover the new i-Sense Wi-fi smart Radiator, This smart system will then prompt the user to revise heating settings after studying the lifestyle patterns over the initial month, this analysis will continue throughout the lifecycle of the product to ensure settings are always delivering the most efficient usage patterns! It is this enhanced level of user and device interaction which is at the heart of the IoT concept, and which delivers the capacity for users to enjoy a more efficient and intuitive heating experience through the IntelliHeat system!

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