With extensive experience and the relevant NVQs, an SSSTS (Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme) qualification alongside membership in the confederation of roofing contractors and health and safety expert advisor, you can trust Total Cladding to carry out work on your property.

Before we begin any project, we’ll consult with you to ensure that we have full knowledge of your requirements, budget and timescale and we’ll always inform you of project details from the initial stages until completion.

Cladding Inspection

Sufficient cladding will keep your property dry and prevent any heat from escaping. We can offer our expert cladding inspection services to diagnose any potential errors that may cause problems in the near future.

Cladding Removal

First, we’ll complete a survey of your property or site to ensure the correct course of action. If cladding removal is the most effective solution for you, we will do so in the safest and most efficient way possible.

Roof sheeting and cladding Installation

We have the skills and experience to install walling, cladding and fascias, all of which will comply with Thermal Regulations and Standards. Our cladding comes in a range of materials, colours, finishes and gauges.

Our team will carry out work on your property at a time that suits you, aiming to work while causing minimum disruption and always leaving areas as tidy as they were before we arrived. For your peace of mind, our insurance is fully up to date, and our work is guaranteed for up to ten years.

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07397 805791

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