10th annual NBS National BIM Survey open for responses.
Survey to focus on the digitisation of the construction industry
NBS has launched the 10th annual NBS BIM Survey, marking a decade of tracking BIM adoption in the UK.
Ten years on from the initial survey, the NBS BIM Report 2020 is set to not only measure the adoption of BIM, but also focus on the construction industry’s digital journey.
For a decade, the annual report has documented awareness and adoption of BIM from as little as 10% in 2011 to nearly 70% in 2019.
The 2019 report represented the views of nearly 1,000 industry professionals and reflected on the launch of the ISO standards, showing that 16% of organisations had already started to use the ISO 19650 series of standards.
NBS Innovation Director, Stephen Hamil said, “We have now been monitoring BIM adoption at NBS for a decade. Last year’s report showed a pause in the growth of adoption as the industry consolidates and matures in its integration of BIM. This year we will be asking whether adoption has picked up again in 2020 and if BIM has become the norm for the construction industry.
“We also know that the use of new digital technologies is transforming construction. In this survey, we will look beyond BIM to some of the new technologies being used in the built environment. The survey will look at current best practice alongside what the future might look like for digital construction.”
You can complete this year’s NBS National BIM Survey, open until the 1 March, here.
A pre-release report is sent to all participants, so those taking part will be among the first to have access to the findings.
The NBS Chorus specification system alongside the full range of NBS BIM tools and resources support the construction industry in its transition to a digital world.
To find out more about NBS visit www.theNBS.com