Have you ever learned how to do something with the help of an internet search?
The answer is most likely a resounding “yes.”
Videos are an especially compelling way to learn how to do something online because, well, the video shows you exactly how to do it. We’re not alone here, either – most of our customers would prefer to watch a video rather than seeing an ad.
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting good practice within the Waterproofing industry, we are delighted to be launching the first of our useful “How To” Video Guides.
This first series visits our Koster brand of waterproofing solutions. From Deuxan 2C to NB 1, our guides will give you and your technicians a step-by-step instruction guide designed to walk any waterproofing professional through the practical process of product key components, how to correctly mix, key characteristics and applications.
These guides will offer tips and tricks to help you get more from your products and will offer sustainable business practice by reducing waste, saving you significant money by ensuring products are not wasted.
We love project success and great waterproofing solutions, which is why we’ve added sections on floor to wall junctions. These particularly crucial areas always require attention to detail.
Koster waterproofing products stand out from the crowd due to their exceptionally easy and use-friendly application. Nevertheless, technical solutions require technical explanations and our “How To” video guides deliver these straight to you whether you are on-site, at home or on a lunch break. Learn from industry experts at your own pace!
From small construction cracks to mega basements, these products can be used for a variety of applications and projects.
You can watch all of our new videos on our website and on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/deltamembranesystems