Kier has been chosen to deliver its second Nightingale Hospital project, transforming a conference and exhibition centre in Bristol into a coronavirus treatment facility.
By transforming the University of the West of England conference centre, Kier will provide North Bristol NHS Trust with additional beds and facilities, to cater for up to 1,000 patients.
Procured through the ProCure22 framework, Kier and its local supply chain are now on site with works set to be complete and operational later this month.
Anthony Irving, managing director for Kier Regional Building Western & Wales, said: “We have been agile to respond to the needs of the NHS and I’d like to thank our supply chain partners, as well as Kier Professional Services who are providing us with engineering support.
Kier also has the job of converting film studios in a former factory in Swansea into a field hospital. Initially, it will provide 500 beds, with an additional 350 beds following in subsequent weeks.