May 2021: Water Save Week takes place from the 17th – 21st May and NotJustTaps are sharing their top five ways to save water in your home. With many of us thinking of the UK as a wet and soggy place, the records show different with this April on track to be the driest ever on record.
However, it’s simple, easy and inexpensive to save water around your home, and it can even result in more money going back in your pocket!
1. Fit aerators to your existing taps.
The simple act of fitting an aerator to your existing taps can help you save up to 60% on your water bills! By reducing the flow of the water, not only do you use less but you also need less energy to heat it and even enjoy a more pleasurable water experience, especially when showering.
Aerators can be installed without the need of a plumber and can be fitted to almost all taps both in the kitchen and bathroom. They cost from £3.50 and simply fit onto the end of your tap.
2. Change your showerhead.
While it can be tempting to go for a large showerhead, it will mean you’ll use more water and more energy in heating it. By using an eco-showerhead, you’ll stand to save on water consumption by up to 60%.
If you’re concerned about the look, and live in a family home, maybe consider having the large showerhead in your grown up en- suite and keep the eco showerhead for the family bathroom. You’ll still be saving water while maintaining your style.
3. Install a duel flush toilet converter
Toilets are one of the biggest users of water in the home. By fittings a duel flush toilet converter you’ll reduce the amount of water needed per flush and also ensure the right amount is used for the right waste. Standard duel flush toilets use as little as 2.6 and 4 litres per flush, meaning you will use only 20% of the water used in a traditional toilet. Traditional toilers typically use over 135 litres a day (7.5 times the volume).
4. Reuse your water for your plants
How often do you not finish a glass of water and end up pouring it down the sink? Re-use this water to water your household plants. It’s such a simple thing but by re using water you’re saving so much.
5. Install sensor taps
Not just for commercial spaces, if you have kids that constantly leave the taps running, sensor taps could be the way to go! With designs much more in keeping with standard tap designs, you can save water and avoid flooding the bathroom!