A MIDDLESBROUGH community has been protected from a neighbour from hell who made their lives a misery.
A powerful court order has now closed the Whinney Banks house for three months following a plague of anti-social behaviour, threats and violence.
Complaints began to pour in to Middlesbrough Council and Cleveland Police shortly after the man moved into the terraced property in Weatherhead Avenue in January.
Residents complained about persistent noise from off-road motorbikes and quad bikes, with vehicles being tested on the street and driven dangerously, and engines being revved noisily at all hours.
Footpaths and roads were frequently blocked by untaxed vehicles being stored as part of the man’s used car sales business.
Large groups gathered in the street, resulting in regular arguments, shouting, foul and abusive language and fighting.
One resident reported suffering health issues as a direct result of stress caused by relentless noise, threats and anti-social behaviour, and has spent recent months living in their bedroom rather than the front room.
This week (Tuesday, May 18) Teesside Magistrates granted a three-month closure order on the property to protect the local community, making it an offence to enter the building.
Council officers and police were subjected to threats outside the hearing.
Inspector Darren Birkett of Cleveland Police said: “We’re pleased to support the local authority with this closure order.
“We will listen to our local residents and take action, wherever appropriate, to ensure that people who cause misery for others through anti-social behaviour are held accountable for their actions.”
Middlesbrough Mayor Andy Preston said: “This sort of appalling behaviour is beneath contempt, and has no place in a civilised, law-abiding community.
“This closure order sends a clear message to those communities that we do listen, and we do act to rid them of this sort of relentless anti-social behaviour.
“A big thank you to all those involved in getting this house shut down, and especially to the brave members of the public whose witness statements have helped to put an end to this individual’s reign of terror.”
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For advice for clinically extremely vulnerable residents call Middlesbrough Council’s support line on 01642 729777
The latest advice from Government and Public Health England can be found at https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus