Domus Ventilation, part of the Genuit Group’, is the proud sponsor of a new Elemental Talks webinar on 24th June 2021 on ‘The importance of improved indoor air quality’.
Elemental is an online community for professionals focused on heat, water, air and energy, focussed on how to deliver energy-efficient solutions to help achieve a sustainable future. Elemental Talks webinars are an important part of the online community, creating opportunities for training, discussions and continuous personal development.
‘The importance of improved indoor air quality’, which is being held on 24th June from 1.00 – 2.00pm, features a panel of industry experts who are working to create sustainable and healthy buildings. As a leading manufacturer in domestic ventilation to improve indoor air quality, Domus Ventilation is sponsoring this event, with National Specification Manager, David Frimpong forming part of the panel. Other organisations represented on the panel include Project Etopia, Hilson Moran, Farmwood and VentfiltersRus.
‘The importance of improved indoor air quality’ webinar addresses the hurdles, the pitfalls and the innovations in order to really breakdown the importance of improved indoor air quality and the roadmap to achieve it. Domus Ventilation will open the webinar looking at the effects of poor indoor air and how, post covid, there is a renewed focus on improved air quality and ventilation in our homes. David will go on to address the recent changes to Part F – Ventilation of the Building Regulations, which require increased rates of ventilation, and all that entails.
One important topic of discussion will concentrate on ventilation system design and installation, which has frequently led to ventilation systems functioning poorly. Some of the most common issues which occur as a result of poor installation practices – including the ducting – will be identified, along with advice on how to avoid these all too frequent mistakes. Compliance will also be addressed, looking at what this means and who is responsible for what.
Domus Ventilation has in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in the domestic ventilation sector and is recognised as one of the leading companies in this field. It plays an active role in industry bodies and is committed to raising the standard of ventilation systems through a variety of training schemes, including a new CPD accredited course on “Residential Ventilation Principles and Building Regulations”.
To register for ‘The importance of improved indoor air quality’ Elemental Talk on 24th June, go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-importance-of-improved-indoor-air-quality-tickets-154679647991
For information on Domus Ventilation go to https://www.domusventilation.co.uk/