With the help of fellow green fingered friends, The Great British Garden Festival is creating a hub to find out about the amazingly diverse horticultural, gardening and growing events that take place across the United Kingdom.
This year long event will bring all the many aspects of British horticulture together to show- case the very best of gardening in the UK. Celebrating everything we plant, grow and harvest.
Said to be one of the most inclusive and diverse projects since the Olympic Games, The Great British Garden Festival will provide a platform to unite all the different events that already take place, like local flower shows, allotment events and even food, wine and beer festivals. On top of all of the events throughout the year, we are teaming up with garden centres and retailers as well as gardens themselves to give you great deals all year round.
The cost of membership is just £10 and will last for the duration of 2022. Registered members gain access to discounts on events as well as exclusive products with participating companies.
All around the nation there are thousands of beautiful gardens, hidden gems and amazing events. All you will need to do is look on the website to see all the amazing things you could do.
The Great British Garden Festival will enhance and reinforce Britain’s global reputation as the ‘garden capital’ the world. Recent times have proved what a great effect spending time outdoors can have on health, and both physical and mental well-being, so this is the time to bring it all together and push our passion for gardening onwards so the next generations can enjoy what we started.
Sign up to become a member today and enjoy all the beauty British gardens has to offer.
Visit the Great British Garden Festival website at www.greatbritishgardenfestival.org.uk to find out more.