Following the UK Government’s launch of the ‘Make things Right’ campaign (Monday 6th March 2023), which urges social housing tenants to complain to landlords about substandard living conditions, housing associations are being encouraged to consider modern materials within the bathroom; where cases of mould build up are most prevalent.
A modern alternative to tiles, bathroom wall panels are completely waterproof, quick to install and completely eradicate the need for grout; a mould and mildew hotspot that requires maintenance every several years. Simple to install with only adhesive, the panels click together and are maintenance free; leaving little to no need for site recalls.
According to the Guardian¹, up to six per cent of social housing properties in England (around 240,000) have notable or serious damp and mould problems, demonstrating a real need for preventative action.
Lidia Cetrangolo, Marketing Manager, Multipanel, said: “We support initiatives that encourage responsible social housing, however, as the campaign will shine a spotlight on housingissues and encourage the public to voice their concerns, organisations may be put at risk and end up with a raft of remediation works.

“Whilst bathroom wall panels have been around for years, only up until very recently have we noted larger-scale specification by forward-thinking operators.”
Choosing wall panels over tiles can save on average 15 hours of installation time, providing a quick, easy and hassle-free wallcovering. Plus, they are ready to use in just 24 hours, so can support quicker occupation requirements.
Lidia continued: “We can’t stress enough how prevention is better than cure with regards to mould and mildew and would encourage specification managers to be open to more modern materials, such as bathroom wall panels, as they have multiple benefits versus their traditional counterparts.
“They also come in a range of designs – including tile finishes – so even if a tiled aesthetic is required, bathroom wall panels can deliver on that too.”
The ‘Make Things Right’ campaign is being implemented across social media and commercial radio in multiple languages, resulting in increased awareness amongst the general public.
Lidia concluded: “Alongside consumers becoming more aware of their rights to complain we want to encourage housing associations to ensure they’re doing all they can to prevent future issues and correct specification from the outset.”
To find out more about Multipanel’s product range, head to: https://www.multipanel.co.uk/