AWRF serves the lifting, rigging, and load securement industry, which aligns with the client base of BH and the target audience for much of the company’s content campaigns.
BH is based in London, UK, but approx. 60% of its turnover is generated from business conducted in North America; several long-time customers are members of AWRF, and it is a regular attendee at the organisation’s events.
Notably, AWRF has a working relationship with the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), headquartered in the UK, with which BH also has a long affiliation. The recent Global Lifting Awareness Day—#GLAD2023—was powered by LEEA and ably supported by AWRF and BH in their respective capacities.
Mark Bridger, director at BH, said: “AWRF has been a focal point of our networking and growth programming for a number of years, both in terms of building relationships with existing customers and seeking new opportunities. Over recent spring and fall [autumn] meetings, it has also served as a fact-finding and intelligence-gathering seedbed, as we equip ourselves to educate and entertain our customers’ communities with engaging content.”
BH is renowned for production and distribution of information that presents companies and their executives as thought leaders where target audiences go for information. Through ghost-written blogs, social media posts, and other content, BH raises the profile of clients, so they reach and sustain status as trusted authorities in their marketplaces.
It helps clients transfer their visions, goals, and successes into words and images that address a market and generate positive interest in an individual, their cause, and brand. Many of these customers now communicate with communities of evangelical supporters on a variety of platforms. BH works daily with clients to produce press releases, articles, case studies, newsletters, and company magazines, for example.
Bridger added: “Our business is built on the integrity of serving a niche market, not only in terms of generating revenue streams within it but contributing to its wider purpose through alignment with campaigns that inspire change and drive continued improvement of industry best practices, like #GLAD2023, which we have empowered over the last four years.
“AWRF promotes interests common among companies manufacturing, fabricating, or distributing lifting, rigging, and load securement devices made of chain, rope, and synthetic products. Taking membership aligns us emphatically with a goal that we share.”
Supported by a team of world-class industrial journalists and content producers, BH is looking for new customers and would welcome in-person meetings to that end at the upcoming AWRF Fall General Meeting and Product Information Exhibition (PIE) in Dallas, Texas this October; and LEEA’s LiftEx trade show, where it is also an award sponsor, the following month in Liverpool, UK.