Plumbers and Heating Engineers top the paperwork league !

Research recently undertaken by web based specialist suppliers (see bottom paragraph for more info) has revealed that plumbers and heating engineers dedicate the most time to paperwork, on average as much as fifteen hours a week, that’s TWO WORKING DAYS!  Not surprisingly, they are also the most likely trades-people to get their spouses or partners to help them out with this monotonous but nevertheless essential task.


The research formed a part of a successful competition that ran through the month of February 2014 where offered self-employed installers and other trades-people an opportunity to thank their wives or partners for their support. gave away a box of chocolates and bouquet of flowers for a winner every week, the results of the research clearly identify the recipients were very deserving!


One hundred and sixty eight people of various professions responded who provided useful and interesting information; for instance electricians consider themselves the most hopeless at paperwork closely followed by mechanics. is a web based company that takes the pain out of paperwork duties whilst streamlining and professionalising the way in which self-employed trades-people present themselves to existing and potential customers.

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