Introducing TRIBRID® Technology, the latest technology for the construction and building industry.
Often new technology in the construction world centres around new technology in software and robotics. Developments such as building information modelling, project management software, drones, robotics, artificial intelligence, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) & Mixed Reality (MR) and BIM mobile apps.
However, not the everyday products that builders and construction workers use, and consumables that architects rely on to make their 3D graphic vision of a new build or extension come to life.
CT1 who broke the mould with their revolutionary hybrid formula over 18 years ago, completely changed the market for sealants and adhesives. The Snag List Eliminator is CT1’s infamous strap line, and it is now the product that all diligent and professional tradespeople use.
This tube of sealant replaces several products in one, far outperforming all other conventional sealants and adhesives. CT1 replaces mastic, wood and P.U. adhesives, silicone, sanitary, acrylic and butyl rubber sealants in just one product. This saves money and also means you are environmentally compliant, saving wastage on several empty tubes as you now only have 1.
CT1 which proudly boasts over 25 accreditations, is the most eco friendly sealant there is available. CT1 is also the only sealant globally to achieve a NAAF accreditation. The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association have awarded CT1 this prestigious label. While testing CT1 with its unique formula and the fact it is completely solvent free, they found that if used in the home, CT1 can reduce the risk of asthma and allergy attacks. This is a huge advantage for new builds, healthcare facilities and repairs for local council and architects alike.
But CT1’s Research and Development Department seems to never sleep, always introducing the latest technology into the building industry, as seen in recent years with Peel Tec and BT1. They realised quite soon that the old hybrid formulations had dated technology, and a term they coined for Hybrid seen the rest of the industry follow suit.
CT1 have always and will continue to introduce ground-breaking, never seen before technology in the world of sealants. TRIBRID®. CT1 has now enhanced their formulation to even outperform itself! Now up to THREE times stronger, it is even more flexible with 350% elongation. Colour retention is now much longer and will outperform any old hybrid formulations.
TRIBRID® technology can also fight off bacteria and fungus for years to come and will bond successfully to all building materials, where Hybrids can fail on certain substrates. Tests also show CT1 can now bond polypropylene where before the bond was not strong.
Due to its diversity and guarantees from numerous tests and accreditations, CT1 has been the only sealant that could carry out many iconic projects, even of late. For example, the Wave in Bristol, the only man-made wave machine for professional surfers. Also, the train for the Commonwealth Games was at a halt as all other specified sealants had failed. CT1 was the only one that would work.
Please go to www.ct1.com to see an array of case studies.