Rinnai is offering FREE Carbon Cost Comparison analysis for any site or application – simply visit:
and complete the online form.
Rinnai offers a comprehensive range of carbon reducing products from Hydrogen-blends ready hot water heaters, heat pumps and solar thermal in order to provide high product performance, lowest possible costs and reduction in carbon emissions.
Rinnai’s Carbon Cost Comparison Form offers a free appraisal of any site’s current heating & hot water delivery system, along with empirically gathered data-driven recommendations for reducing the carbon intensity.

The user simply visits the Rinnai website, completes the form and hits the ‘Submit’ prompt. Rinnai then completes a thorough analysis and returns to the results to the user. Hard copies of the form are also available on request.
Required data gathering is brief; current model and system, maximum gross input power, quantity needed, type of outlet (e.g., shower, washing basin) and how many peak demands in a day. Collected information is then passed to the Rinnai Technical team which calculates emissions and savings which can be made on both carbon load and fuel costs.
The Rinnai Carbon Cost Comparison Form is located as part of the Rinnai suite of innovative digital touchpoints (Carbon cost comparison form :: Rinnai UK (rinnai-uk.co.uk).
Says Chris Goggin, Operations Director for Rinnai: “Our H3 initiative delivers CAPEX, OPEX and carbon reductions for any application whilst also providing a practical, economic and technically feasible solution to any site. The combination of renewable, gas ready, solar thermal, low GWP and electrical heating and hot water systems enable decarbonisation pathway for all build types. The added benefit is that a full design service is also offered.

“Our Carbon calculation service however will compare our complete array of Hydrogen blend ready water heaters, Hybrid solar and heat pump systems, and stand-alone heat pump solutions, providing our customers with market leading low carbon solutions.”
Rinnai H3 products and systems can be configured to any site and be powered by any fuel and appliance – electricity, natural gas, hydrogen-blends 20%, BioLPG, solar thermal, heat pumps, continuous flow water heaters. All H3 products are designed to encourage decarbonisation and deliver on our brand mission of a healthier way of living.
For more information on the RINNAI product range visit: